Some people like cheap, others like good

Some people like cheap, others like good

Rotavator knives are a key element of these machines, responsible for grinding and moving the earth while working in the garden, orchard or field. Here is some important information about tiller knives:

Functions of tiller knives:

  • Soil shredding: Knives are used to break up hard and compact soil to make it easier to process and prepare for sowing, planting or other gardening work.
  • Moving soil: Tiller blades move soil down and sideways, helping to till, dig and aerate the soil.
  • Weed Removal: In some cases, knives can also be used to remove weeds and other unwanted plants from the soil surface.

Types of tiller knives:

  • Circular knives: These are discs with sharp edges that rotate around an axis, cutting and crumbling the soil during operation.
  • Spade knives: Shaped like a shovel, they cut and move the soil as you work.
  • Wedge knives: These knives have a wedge shape, which allows them to penetrate deeper into the soil and cut through roots and other hard elements.
  • Disc knives: These are large discs with sharp edges that slide through the soil, cutting and crumbling it as they work.

Selection of tiller knives:

  • Soil type: Choosing the right knives depends partly on the type of soil you intend to work. Some knives perform better in soft, loose soil, while others are more effective in harder, compacted soil.
  • Type of work: The knives can be adapted to various tasks, such as cultivating, digging, aerating the soil or removing weeds. Choose knives that best suit your specific needs and goals.

Well-selected tiller knives are a key element ensuring effective and efficient operation of tillers in the garden or field.